Yandere Simulator was created by YandereDev, a Temecula, California-based freelance game developer named Alex. The plot revolves around an extremely lovesick high school student named Ayano Aishi, dubbed “Yandere-chan,” who has taken it upon herself to eliminate anyone who she believes is catching her senpai’s attention. Yandere Simulator is a stealth action video game presently in development by YandereDev, an American game developer. And thus, the journey to fulfilling his dreams started. It had attracted 1.5 million views by August 2022. In the “Original Yandere Simulator Prototype” video on his channel, he introduced the audience to his concept. In 2008, he decided to work on his game development skills seriously. YandereDev started his journey via making RPG Maker experiments and small video game characters about fifteen years ago. He is also a YouTuber who creates gaming content for his audience and is a great game developer. YandereDev is the popular alternative name for Alex.